They came with axes to the great mountain. In fact, the mountain was not great. The mountain was a humble one in a far-off land. Few had seen a picture of the mountain and fewer had visited it. However, they decided that, if only they could tear down the mountain, then all would be able to see with full clarity the light that lay beyond.
It took them some years to prepare to tear down the mountain. First, they developed a new alloy for their axes. The axes were made by master smiths, who sharpened them for use with the hardest stone. When the strongest workmen had gathered at the base of the mountain, they found their work to be easy-going. In fact, with a few blows the mountain turned to dust and collapsed.
They were delighted at their work of destruction. They came with specimen jars and removed portions of dust from the mountain. They arranged the jars in special orders and wrote learned tomes about the composition of each.
At the top of the mountain had dwelt a small tribe. When the strong workmen began swinging their axes against the mountain, the tribe felt the earth shake under their feet. Some fell this way, some that. They tried to reunite but found it very hard to do so.
Surprisingly, the mountain was not lost. Despite the axes, despite the specimen jars and tomes, the mountain still stands. The strong workmen can not see the mountain, imagining instead that they see only the bright light from the other side. Yet, there it stands! Some members of the tribe have rebuilt their home on it.
Note: Some say that the mountain is actually a book.
-- H. A. Massig המשיג