Notes toward a moral dictionary of this Presidency. These are not the view of Hassagot. They appear to be the view of the president, based on hundreds of days of statements and actions.
Created on June 18, 2018. Last edited on July 4 , 2018
Alliances, Allies - Allies and Alliances are impediments to the exercise of Power. They are results of the mistaken policies of the past. There can be no true relationships between America and other nations. The President, as the epitome of America, has relations with Leaders, not with nations. Nations that see themselves as Allies are, in fact, seeking ways to cheat America and take its Money. They are, in effect, Enemies.
America, Americans - America is a country that belongs to the Americans, who are the citizens. White people are Americans. Followers certainly are Americans. One cannot assume that people in America who are dark skinned are actually Americans. They may be illegal migrants. It is not clear that Enemies are Americans.
Chaos - It is good for the world to approach chaos. This makes it possible for the president to achieve Victory. The president and his followers cooperate in spreading chaos in any institution that inhibits the president’s victory, such as the legislative branch, the judicial branch, the FBI, the national security community, NATO, the G7, the European Union, the United Nations, NAFTA, the press and media (unless they are loyal to him), etc.
Cruelty - A necessary and appropriate attitude to take toward the weak. It is a sign of strength.
Dehumanization - It is useful to teach the populace (and certainly to remind the Followers) that their Enemies are less than human, particularly if they come from another Race. Such Enemies infest our country.
Despair - It is important to make all around one despair--both Followers and Enemies. "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" (Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley). When the populace fall into despair, nothing can stop one.
Education - It is important for the President to teach Americans who their Enemies are. Americans must, in general, learn to see things as the President sees them and to speak of them as the President speaks of them. Twitter is one of the platforms that the President uses to Educate Americans.
Enemies - It is essential for there to be enemies. Victory can only be achieved in a successful contest against an enemy. Only the President can determine who is an enemy. The enemy may be a group that can be identified as the other, such as darker skinned people and Muslims. All Americans who refuse to be Followers are, by definition, Enemies. This includes much of the free press, much of the professoriate, and many civil society organizations. There is an advantage to having many enemies, and for those enemies always to be threatening one’s presidency. Enemies must be held to pay for whatever crimes one chooses to attribute to them.
Followers - Those who Love and thus adulate the president.
Greatness - Whatever the president identifies as being great. It is better to have only 1/8 of the pie, when no one else has so much, than to share a pie equally with another. In the first case, the 1/8 of a pie is great. In the second case, the ½ of a pie just shows that one has been swindled out of the larger portion.
Greed - A positive moral trait. A Greedy person is more likely to be Shameless and Strong in fighting Enemies, and more likely to be Loyal to the president. See also Personal Gain.
Hatred - It is essential to hate. The president's Followers must hate Enemies, those whom the president deems worthy of hate.
Illegal Immigrants - These are perhaps the greatest threat to America. Followers are convinced that they steal American's jobs and commit abominable crimes, that they, indeed, cruelly separate parents from children through their attacks. Their very existence is a grave affront. Only the Wall can stop them. And if it cannot...
Immigration - Although Illegal Immigrants are particularly worthy of Hatred, in fact, Immigration per se is a threat to the populace, unless the Immigrants come from the white Race. Just as migration in Europe is understood to be a mortal threat to White Supremacy there, so is migration from Central America here.
Kindness - A moral failing. Kind people are Losers. They cannot be Strong and they cannot be tolerated.
Law - Laws are very good when they enable the exercise of power and strength. In such cases, the rule of law demands that they be followed in the most stringent way. Laws are very bad when they do not. In such cases, they should be ignored. Even when laws are good, the judiciary (see Rottenness) is not. Due process should not be allowed to interfere with the president's carrying out those laws of which he approves.
Leaders - The President must maintain positive and respectful relations with heads of state who demonstrate Strength and adhere to Zero-sum Thinking.
Lies - It is essential to lie frequently, to do so brazenly. It is beneficial for the president to contradict himself. It is beneficial when those close to the president learn to lie. A web of lies is a powerful defense against one’s domestic enemies. Indeed, the populace’s awareness that the president lies to them strengthens the president.
Losers - Those who lost an election, those who were captured and held as a prisoner of war, etc. They are to be held in utter contempt and certainly not shown any respect.
Love - The proper sentiment of those loyal to the president, the Followers. This love always involves the defeat of a weaker ego, which realizes that only the president can protect one from one’s (or, to be more accurate, the president’s) enemies. The Follower sacrifices his judgment to the president. The Follower perceives every criticism as a personal attack. The Follower has surrendered his independent judgment to the judgment of the president. He/she does not expect that the president will treat him well. Indeed, he/she expects that he will suffer under the rule of the president.
Loyalty - Those around the president must express personal Loyalty to the president.
Money - One must ideally amass a lot of Money. Money should never be spent gratuitously. One must make every effort to acquire goods for less Money than others do. Otherwise, one has been bested by one's Enemies.
Moral corruption - Those close to the president experience Moral corruption. This is highly beneficial, as it confirms the essential Rottenness of people and institutions
Moral victory and Moral collapse - The president enjoys moral victory over his Enemies and over his Followers when they surrender to his moral judgment. The president must have moral victory. When the populace surrenders its independent moral judgment to the president, it has experienced Moral collapse. Even enemies suffer moral collapse when they begin to express antagonism toward the president or his Followers in the style of the president.
Nobility - Only the strong (and cruel) are noble.
Outrage - The outrage expressed by enemies is the surest vindication that the president's acts and policies are right.
Peace - Peace can only be made with the strong and cruel. There can be no peace with the weak.
Personal Gain - A positive value when accomplished by the president and those close to him. See also Greed. It is beneficial for the populace to know that the president and those close to him stand to gain personally from their public service.
Personal loyalty - Members of the president’s team, members of congress, indeed, the entire American people, and all of humanity must be continually reminded that they are expected to be personally loyal to the president. The only alternative to loyalty is to be the enemy of the president. There may be no middle position between fealty or rebellion. You are either with the president or his enemy.
Power - Power is a good. Power is good when wielded by the President and his friends.
The President - The President is the most important value in the Presidency, that is, for America and Americans. The President needs no outside validation or justification.
Race, Racism - It is often beneficial to remind Followers that their Enemies come from another Race which threatens to rape, murder, or otherwise harm the populace.
Revenge - One must take Revenge of Enemies for their crimes, whether or not the enemy is responsible for any crime (or putative crime). America must be avenged for the Carnage which it has experienced at the hands of Enemies.
Rottenness - Everything and everyone outside one, and particularly things and people associated with one’s enemies, is rotten. Every institution in the federal government (called "the Swamp") is rotten, including the legislature, the judiciary, the federal bureaucracy (known as the "deep state"), and the presidency prior to the president. The press is rotten, unless it serves as a Follower. Every alliance, every treaty, every understanding, is rotten. Transnational and international bodies are rotten. It is important to reiterate how rotten those things are, so that one’s Followers will know to vilify them as one does.
Secure borders - Without secure borders, America cannot be a country.
Self-Justification - The president has license to favor or disfavor whomsoever he pleases. Whom he favors, deserves favor. Whom he disfavors, deserves disfavor. It is not for the populace to understand why that is so. It is sufficient that thus be the will of the president.
Shamelessness - One must resist the temptation to feel shame if one experiences the temptation. Shameless lies are very useful, because the populace will come to expect one to lie and will, in fact, demand that you lie. Thus, any expectation to show contrition, say one is sorry, or tell the truth will vanish. If one has no option, he should blame his political enemies for his own decision or action. One, after all really 'had no choice' but to act with cruelty or disregard. In fact, one's own act of cruelty is, in fact, to be blamed on one's enemies.
Strength - A policy or act shows signs of strength when an antagonist (such as the prime minister of an allied country or migrants fleeing persecution) has been made to feel humiliated or bullied. Strength is not possible without mastery and subjugation. It is preferable when the policy or act inflicts pain. Thus, cruelty is frequently a confirmation of strength. Strong, cruel leaders are always to be preferred to weak, kind ones. Only strong leaders can be trusted. Only they have nobility. Only they deserve respect and friendship.
Truth - Whatever the president asserts is, by definition, true. The president's assertions do not require external confirmation. Nor do they have to be internally consistent. The President is the Deep Truth.
Victory - One must always be experiencing victory or moving forward to victory.
Weakness - A policy or act shows signs of weakness when it is motivated by friendship or kindness or when it rejects zero-sum thinking. Weak leaders must be humiliated and, ideally, unseated. Weakness cannot be tolerated in silence. It is a moral failing.
We have no choice - When the president embarks on an action or policy which is perceived as harsh or cruel, it is often important to remind the populace that he had no choice and that his actions were forced by actions undertaken in the past by Enemies.
White Supremacy - Advocates of White Supremacy are fine people. While the term "White Supremacy" is not to be used at this point, the goals of White Supremacy are furthered by applying Strength in imposing Law to minimize Immigration and thus to protect America.
Win, Winning - It essential for the President and his Followers to Win--that is, dominate, overcome, vanquish--in encounters with Enemies.
Zero-sum thinking. Zero-sum thinking is not merely a useful approach to all relationships but also an imperative. In every encounter, only one side can win. To think that the outcome of a disagreement can be ‘win-win’ is dangerous. There is a limit to the number of goods in this world and it is the president’s job to insist that he, personally, and the country, in general, win every contest for those goods.
Zero tolerance - The president did not innovate Zero tolerance as an approach to enforcing the laws of the land. However, Zero tolerance is an excellent expression of Zero-sum thinking in strongly and cruelly protecting the populace from its Enemies, in particular, from Immigrants of other Races.